No matter your age, there is a ministry at First Church for you!
Get involved
Prayer Chain
One way First Church cares for our neighbors is by lifting others up in prayer. If you ever have a prayer request you would like for us to send out to the congregation, please email us here.
Every Sunday morning, nursery is available for infants through age 3. Kids ages 4 through 4th grade begin their morning in the adult service for worship and then are dismissed to CITY OF LIGHTS! Questions? Email Connie.
Access Connie's Corner updates on our resources page.
Are you in 6th-12th grade? Want to hang out, meet new people, eat some food, and learn about Jesus? Come check out our youth group!! We meet at First Church on Tuesday evenings from 6:45-8:15 p.m., doors open at 6:30! We hope to see you there!
Any questions, contact Eric Johnson!
*Please Note* Women's ministries are not currently meeting.
Men's Prayer Breakfast: Join men from the church for some breakfast, conversation, and prayer. Every Monday morning from 7:00-9:00am at Frankie Doodle's in Downtown Spokane.
Seniors get together the first Thursday of each month, for lunch at a restaurant. Times and locations are different each month and posted at First Church. For more information on Seniors' Ministry contact Donna Baker.
Discover Class
Come learn the First Church story and how you fit! Class size limited to 8-10. Email us to register for the class and see when the next class will be offered.